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The Legend of Gathelus, Scota and the Stone of Destiny

saltire2.gif (29804 bytes) The Story of the Saltire c 832 AD

Thistle4_small.jpg (2308 bytes) How the Thistle became the emblem of Scotland c 1263

   The Auld Alliance/La Vieille Alliance 1295

The Battle of Roslin 24th February 1303

The Execution of Sir William Wallace at Smithfield, London 1305

The Battle of Bannockburn, 1314

Declaration_of_Arbroath.JPG (144491 bytes) The Declaration of Arbroath
6th April 1320

1329 The Death of Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Teba 1330: The Making of "Braveheart"

The Battle of Flodden, 9th September 1513

The Flower of Scotland fell at Flodden Field, near Branxton, in Northumberland. The Scots lost 10,000 men, including their King. 

1560 -2010 The 450th Anniversary of the Reformation in Scotland

Regimental Day 28th March 1633 - Royal Warrant Issued by Charles I to raise The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)


The Raising of The Kings Own Scottish Borderers, 18th March 1689


The Battle of Killiecrankie, 27th July 1689

The Battle of Littleferry/Bonar Bridge/Skirmish at Golspie near Dunrobin 15th April 1746

The Myths of the 1715 and 1745 Jacobite Risings

The Battle of Culloden 16th April 1746. The last battle on the UK mainland, with Scots on both sides

Robert Burns, Scotland's Bard.  The Immortal Memory 25th January 1759 - 21st July 1796

The Scots at Trafalgar, 21st October 1805
200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar 2005

General Sir John Moore 1761-1808

1808: Jamieson's Dictionary of Scots

22nd May 2005,
90th Anniversary of The Royal Scots Gretna Rail Disaster, 1915. 
214 members of the 7th Battalion, The Royal Scots were killed en route to Gallipoli when their train crashed into carriages of a local train, and then the northbound express collided with the wreckage at

11th November 1918
Armistice Day, marking the end of hostilities in World War I. The guns were silenced, finally , on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Scotland  accounted for 10% of the United Kingdom's population, but 147,609 Scots were killed during the war, a fifth of the Country's War Dead.


The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) defence of  the Dunkirk Perimeter, 25th May 1940, remembered by the
late Major Jimmy Howe MBE


saltire.gif (175 bytes) "The Heroes of St Valery" - 51st Highland Division at St Valéry-en-Caux. Outnumbered and out of ammunition and supplies, surrendered finally 12th June 1940, a week after the Dunkirk evacuation ended

Campaign for the "Real" Reel of the 51st

Hogmanay the origins of the Scots tradition

"Wha's like us?"
"Wha's like us?"Old_Pulteney.JPG (27301 bytes)
A humorous look at the Scots contribution to the world.

Who are the Scots?

The Stone of Destiny: Symbol of a Nation